On the Undulation of Trees
As a child, Tracy Ellyn had an uncanny ability to raise her own spirits by looking for the beauty in her surroundings. After 30+ years as a designer in New York and Miami, she still has a passion for bringing out that inner child in all of us, who played the classic game of looking for clowns, rabbits and dinosaurs in the clouds. Now, she presents the same random opportunity in nature.
In her photographic series, "On the Undulation of Trees," Tracy brings us not only strong contemporary abstracts, but also random, coincidental, accidental waterfalls, human figures, winged angels, warriors, tangled necklaces and more, all serendipitous findings while photographing the sculptural qualities naturally found in trees.
"I find this to be a miraculous opportunity to see the spectacular in our everyday lives," she says, with the goal of lifting the spirits of others, and giving them that "Aha!" moment that freshens their perceptions.
The artist engages us in conversation regarding who painted the tree, the artist? Or whether it naturally grows like that if we would just take a moment to see.
The copious fluidity and mixed media layers that Tracy Ellyn's work is recognized for is evident here, captured from nature and frozen in time. Trees become both sculptural image and spiritual metaphor.
A selection from this series was in SCOPE/Art Basel 2015. It was also curated into their hardcover book of the exhibition. It is now in the permanent collection of Sylvester Cancer Center, Lennar Medical Center, Cleveland Clinic, and Moffitt Cancer Center, where her goal is that art and healing should merge.
This a huge series. Please ask to see further pieces.

Pieces from this series are in the permanent collection of Cleveland Clinic, Department of Cardiology. The trees appear to imitate veins and arteries inside of us. "As without, so within."
Shown here are Dr. Howard Bush, Chair of Cardiology, Tracy Ellyn, Michelle Martinez-Reyes, CMO of Greenspoon Marder, and Dr. David Friedman, Chair of Arts and Medicine.